“We were all shook.”
Playwright Jeremy O. Harris shares a story about Adele attending one of his plays — and how she allegedly left before it even started.
Over the weekend, the Tony Award nominee posted a 14-tweet Twitter thread in which he detailed the night Adele came to see a performance of his off-Broadway play, “Daddy,” back in 2019 — from the moment he was informed of the exciting news that the Grammy winner was interested in attending to the moment he learned that she had apparently left 10 minutes before curtain.
Harris, 32, brought up the story on Saturday, the day after the release of Adele’s now-charttopping single, “Easy On Me.”
“STORYTIME: I need y’all to know as we continue to stream #EasyOnMe that the week of Adele and JLaw’s infamous gay clurb [sic] Hen weekend I got a call from my agent to tell me that Adele needed 6 tickets THAT NIGHT to see a performance of my play ‘Daddy’: a melodrama,” Harris began, kicking off the lengthy Twitter thread, which featured a funny GIF alongside each tweet.
“As an avowed Adele Stan I knew a lot about her…her time at Brit School, her love of silly British comedies, etc. WHAT I DID NOT KNOW WAS THAT SHE WAS A FAN OF OFF-BROADWAY QUEER THEATRE!!!” he continued. “I told my agent to OBVI and TO CALL the theatre to ask how many free seats we had.”
However, as Harris then noted, his play was “sold out” that night, adding that Adele had “needed six seats” for the show. He said he told “them they need[ed] to figure something out.” And fortunately, they did.
“Everyone who has worked on a play in nyc knows is that no play is actually ever ‘sold out’ till curtain,” Harris wrote. “And just like i thought they had been holding house seats for a friend of someone who wasn’t even going to come. We got her the tix.”
Harris said he and the play’s director, Danya Taymor, began to “freak out,” noting that back then they were “still green theatremakers who’ve had some brushes with the kind of dream celeb shout outs in support of the work that can be life changing.” He added, “But ADELE IS ADELE and this was huge.”
Harris shared that he and Taymor weren’t sure what to tell the cast, but star Hari Nef found out and texted him asking if Adele was coming, joking that Nef and fellow “Daddy” star Alan Cumming “in equal measure always knew the tea before it was ever spilled.”
“We said, ‘yes’. Then it was leaked. And every actor got backstage 4hrs before curtain,” Harris recalled, adding in another tweet that he and Taymor were backstage with the cast too as he claimed that “Adele’s security had to come and check the entire theatre for the best entrances and exits.”
Continuing on in his thread, Harris said everyone began “freaking out” 30 minutes before the show started as they learned Adele had arrived. Harris recalled that he and Taymor were given updates about Adele from the usher, including the unfortunate news that Adele had allegedly left.
“Danya and I decide to play it cool,” he tweeted. “Receiving lil snippets of info from a v sweet usher: ‘She just walked in’ ‘She’s sitting in the middle she seems happy’ ‘Her security just got her a bottle of water’ ‘She realizes she doesn’t have a program.’ ‘Wait…she’s…she’s leaving!'”
“That’s right… She left. 10 minutes before the show started!!!” Harris wrote.
According to Harris, Adele had an issue with the on-stage swimming pool. “Danya and I ran out to see what had happened,” he recalled. “The usher was apoplectic: ‘she she asked what that smell was…and I said the pool it’s real…and she said I’m not feeling well but k. Then she asked how long it was…'”
Harris continued, “So I should say that when I wrote ‘Daddy’ i wanted to be true to 19tj [sic] century melodramas as much as possible…including the run time. It was 2h45 w 2 intermissions. I could see why someone hungover and interested to see a play might not be down but … she missed all the fun.”
The hangover insinuation, it seems, comes from the fact Adele was spotted out partying with Jennifer Lawrence at a NYC gay bar that same weekend.
“I emailed her ppl to see if she wanted to come the next day but she was leaving for Europe!” he added, recalling, “We were all shook. I sat down in one of her 6 seats and watched the show and laughed then cried as always.”
Harris went on to share that he’s “vowed” to get Adele to attend to one of his plays as well as to “become her friend.”
Harris ended his thread by asking his followers to help him get Adele to see his tweets — and “remember” that she allegedly left his show — so he can invite her to see his production, “Slave Play,” in addition to “Daddy.”
“So RT, like and comment. Tag Adele and tell her she owes me!!! Adele you wanna see a play or don’t you???” he wrote.
Harris — who co-wrote the Twitter thread-turned-film “Zola” — concluded, “Also I’m better at adapting twitter thread storytimes than writing them but I hope it was cute even if I’ll never be @_zolarmoon. ALSO STREAM @ZolaMovie.”
TooFab has reached out to Adele’s reps for comment, but has yet to hear back.
Check out the full Twitter thread, below.
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