Easter Sunday carnage: ‘Another probe nothing but an exercise in futility’

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><h1><span>'Implement PCoI recommendations at least now'</span></h1>
<p><strong><span>By Shamindra Ferdinando</span></strong></p>
<p>The Catholic Church yesterday (14) reiterated its longstanding demand that the recommendations made by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (P CoI) into 2019 Easter Sunday attacks be implemented.</p>
<p>Rev. Father Cyril Gamini Fernando said so when The Island sought the Catholic Church's reaction to the appointment by President Ranil Wickremesinghe a new committee of inquiry to investigate the actions and responses of the country's intelligence and security authorities following the intelligence warning received from India.</p>
<p>The committee is headed by retired Judge Ms. A. N. J. de Alwis. Rev. Fernando said that the government should implement the recommendations made by the PCoI headed by Supreme Court judge Janak de Silva. He said another inquiry would be nothing but an exercise in futility as the PCoI conducted an in-depth investigation into the Easter attacks, including the failure on the part of the intelligence apparatus to act on foreign intelligence as well neutralise the growing threat posed by extremist elements.</p>
<p>Rev. Fr. Fernando questioned the rationale behind re-examining the conduct of State Intelligence Service (SIS) and Chief of National Intelligence (CNI) as the Supreme Court in January last year ordered Senior DIG Nilantha Jayewardena and retired DIG Sisira Mendis, who headed the SIS and functioned as CNI, respectively, to pay compensation to the tune of Rs 75 mn and Rs 10 mn.</p>
<p>"What is there to investigate again?" Rev Fernando asked, urging the government to go through the PCoI recommendations in respect of politicians and security officials.</p>
<p>In addition to the PCoI report, the report of the Parliamentary Select Committee and a Special Investigation Committee of three members appointed by the then President Maithriapla Sirisena probed the Easter carnage, Rev Fernando said, adding that if those in parliament were still interested in justice and fair play should look into that matter.</p>
<p>Rev. Fernando urged the government to examine how successive leaders had responded to PCoI findings. When President Gotabaya Rajapaksa appointed a committee consisting of six MPs to look into the PCoI report and its findings soon after justice Janak de Silva handed over his report on Feb 1, 2021 it became clear that the powers that be would resort to old tactics. Nearly two years after President Rajapaksa's ouster, the situation remained the same, Rev. Fernando said, adding that the Church wouldn't give up its fight for justice.</p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p>[Category: <a href="https://feed.lankaimage.com/category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>]</p><p><strong>Tags:</strong> </p>

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