Women’s Movements of SL: Public Teach-out event on Saturday

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><p>Everystory Sri Lanka- a collective of young feminists is hosting a Public Teach-Out event on the 15th of June, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Colombo Public Library Auditorium on the topic "Women's Movements of Sri Lanka."</p>
<p>The key figures, organizations, and contributions of women who have shaped Sri Lanka are often left out of history books and forgotten in mainstream narratives. This event will feature trilingual interactive discussions, delving into the rich history of women's movements in Sri Lanka.</p>
<p>The discussions will take place in English at 2:15 pm, Sinhala at 3:00 pm and Tamil at 3:45 pm Everystory Sri Lanka:</p>
<p>"Additionally, participants are encouraged to experience our unique human library, where you can engage with women from different generations working on varied interests who will share their memories, perspectives, and insights.</p>
<p>All events are free to access. No pre-registration is required.</p>
<p>We highly encourage students to join us with their friends and family. There will be a children's corner with a professional childminder.</p>
<p>The public library is an accessible venue. The bus routes are 138 and 177.</p>
<p>Bring your ideas, and reflections, and join us for an evening of learning about Sri Lanka's Women's Movements."</p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p>[Category: <a href="https://feed.lankaimage.com/category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>]</p><p><strong>Tags:</strong> </p>

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